
PRISMAisanevidence-basedminimumsetofitemsaimedathelpingscientificauthorstoreportawidearrayofsystematicreviewsandmeta-analyses, ...,ThePRISMA2020statementhasbeendesignedprimarilyforsystematicreviewsofstudiesthatevaluatetheeffectsofhealthinterventions, ...,ThePRISMA2020statement:Anupdatedguidelineforreportingsystematicreviews.Reportingguidelinesformainstudytypes.,ThemainPRISMAreportingguideline(...

Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta

PRISMA is an evidence-based minimum set of items aimed at helping scientific authors to report a wide array of systematic reviews and meta-analyses, ...

The PRISMA 2020 statement

The PRISMA 2020 statement has been designed primarily for systematic reviews of studies that evaluate the effects of health interventions, ...

2020 statement

The PRISMA 2020 statement: An updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. Reporting guidelines for main study types.

PRISMA statement

The main PRISMA reporting guideline (the PRISMA 2020 statement) primarily provides guidance for the reporting of systematic reviews evaluating the effects of ... PRISMA 2020 statement · PRISMA Extensions · PRISMA Translations

PRISMA 2020 statement

In this section you can find out more about the PRISMA 2020 statement and explanatory paper, obtain downloads of PRISMA 2020 checklist and flow diagrams, ...